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Deprecated: locale_accept_from_http(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($header) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/html/index.php on line 24


This will not overwrite existing files, ffmpeg will ask you. So check that it actually runs when you want to be sure you get a recording.

Last update: Mon May 23 11:33:59 2016

This script assumes FFmpeg and Livestreamer to be installed in %PATH% by default.

Creates the following folder structure
../record-twitch.ps1 (this file)
../recording/ (folder where the full stream file will be placed)

This script will by default re-emit the stream to udp://, you can open this stream with MPC-HC, VLC or any other media player that supports the format (mpegts over udp).

  # Twitch recording script by EraYaN
# 2016-04-04
# v1.05
param (
    [string]$channel = "babymetalband",
    [string]$quality = "source",
    [string]$url = "$channel",
    [string]$outputfile = "recording/twitch_${channel}_${quality}_$(get-date -f yyyyMMddTHHmmss)",
    [string]$livestreamer = "livestreamer",
    [string]$ffmpeg = "ffmpeg",
    [string]$player = "C:\Program Files\MPC-HC\mpc-hc64.exe",
    [int]$length = 0,
    [string]$muxer = "mp4",
    [string]$reemitporthost = "",
    [string]$reemitprotocol = "udp",
    [int]$reemitport = 2000,
    [string]$reemituri = "${reemitprotocol}://${reemitporthost}:$reemitport",
    [string]$reemitformat = "mpegts",
	[switch]$skipdirectorycreation = $false

    # New-Item live\ -type directory -force (For HLS re-emit)
    # New-Item live\chunks\ -type directory -force (For HLS re-emit
    Write-Host "Creating directories."
    $dir = New-Item recording\ -type directory -force
        Write-Error "Could not create directories."

Write-Host "Outputfile = $outputfile.$muxer (This will be a $muxer file)"
Write-Host "Length = $length seconds"
Write-Host "URL = $url"

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Starting Livestreamer to get JSON object."
$streaminfo = &$livestreamer --json $url $quality | ConvertFrom-JSON
$streamurl = $streaminfo."url"

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Starting FFmpeg recording."
    Write-Host "Don't forget to strip off the start of the file, if you started recording early."
    if ($length -gt 0){
        Start-Process  $ffmpeg -ArgumentList ("-i", $streamurl, "-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -c copy -t", $length, "$outputfile.$muxer", '-c copy -t', $length, '-f', $reemitformat, $reemituri)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Started FFmpeg for $length seconds, press q in the ffmpeg window to terminate early."
    } else {
        Start-Process  $ffmpeg -ArgumentList ("-i", $streamurl, "-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -c copy", "$outputfile.$muxer", '-c copy -f', $reemitformat, $reemituri)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Started FFmpeg, press q in the ffmpeg window to terminate the recording."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Starting MPC-HC player."
    Start-Process $player udp://
} else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "URL could not be retrieved." $streaminfo."error"

Save this as a .ps1 file somewhere with enough space.
After you have finished recording (press q in the spawned ffmpeg window) use ffmpeg -i (put the recorded file here) -ss (put the amount of seconds or the minutes:seconds that need to be cut of the start here) output.mkv


record-twitch.bat [options]
-channel [channel]: Twitch channel name, default: "babymetalband"
-quality [quality]: Twitch stream quality (one of the names livestreamer uses: audio, high, low, medium, mobile (worst), source (best)), default: "source"
-url [uri]: Full url (Everything supported by livestreamer and ffmpeg COULD work), default: "$channel"
-outputfile [path]: Stream recoridng output file, default: "recording/twitch-$channel-$quality-$(get-date -f yyyyMMddTHHmmss)"
-livestreamer [path]: Path to livestreamer executable, default: "livestreamer"
-ffmpeg [path]: Path to ffmpeg executable, default: "ffmpeg"
-player [path]: Path to player executable, default: "C:\Program Files\MPC-HC\mpc-hc64.exe"
-length [seconds]: Recording length, default: 0 (indefinite)
-muxer [fileextenstion]: The muxer file extension to be passed to ffmpeg, default: "mp4"
-reemitporthost [host]: The reemitted stream host, default: ""
-reemitprotocol [protocol]: The reemitted stream protocol, default: "udp"
-reemitport [channel]: The reemitted stream port, default: 2000
-reemituri [uri]: The reemitted stream uri, default: "$[reemitprotocol]://$[reemitportip]:$reemitport"
-reemitformat [format]: The reemitted stream format (ffmpeg stream format type), default: "mpegts"
-skipdirectorycreation: Skip the creating of the recording directory


    record-twitch.ps1 -length 3600 -channel totalbiscuit
Records 1 hour from the totalbiscuit channel to recording/twitch-$channel-$quality-$(get-date -f yyyyMMddTHHmmss).mp4 and restreams the stream for viewing.

Click to download.

More stream info here.


This script assumes FFmpeg to be installed in %PATH%.

Creates the following folder structure
../record-logirl.bat (this file)
../live/ (folder where the playlist file will reside)
../live/chunks/ (folder where all the stream chunks will be held)
../recording/ (folder where the full stream file will be placed)

If you install a webserver and have the root at /live/ you can access the stream via the url http:///logirl.m3u8 This could be useful if more than one person in the house wants to watch the stream but the internet connection only allows for one stream to run without interruption.

This script will re-emit the stream to ..\live\logirl.m3u8 you can open this file with VLC or any other media player that supports the format or use a webserver to access it from other computers.

PowerShell.exe -Command "& '%~dpn0.ps1'"

Save this as a .bat file somewhere with enough space.
After you finished recording (press q) use ffmpeg -i (put the recorded file here) -ss (put the amount of seconds or the minutes:seconds that need to be cut of the start here) output.mkv


record-logirl.bat [options]
-url <url> : The stream url if you omit this it default to the LoGiRL stream URL used 19-01-2015 23:31 GMT+1 (No idea if they change that thing)
-len <seconds> : The number of seconds you want to record, if you omit this it will default to 50000 seconds.
-out <outputfilepath> : The output *.* file, if you omit this it will default to recording/logirl_out-%RANDOM%.%muxer& (relative to the current directory, and windows cmd's %RANDOM% is not super random so it might overwrite a file.) PLease don't include a file extenstion.
-mux <ts>: The output muxer. FFmpeg supports lots of formats in that case this is the file extension. ts is recommended and default.


	record-logirl.bat -len 3600 -out "E:\raw_record_dump\streamname"
Records 1 hour from the default stream to E:\raw_record_dump\streamname.%muxer% and restream the stream for viewing.

Click to download.

More stream info here.

Night of Spica

This script assumes FFmpeg and Livestreamer to be installed in %PATH%.

Creates the following folder structure
../record-nightofspica.bat (this file)
../live/ (folder where the playlist file will reside)
../live/chunks/ (folder where all the stream chunks will be held)
../recording/ (folder where the full stream file will be placed)

If you install a webserver and have the root at /live/ you can access the stream via the url http:///nightofspica.m3u8 This could be useful if more than one person in the house wants to watch the stream but the internet connection only allows for one stream to run without interruption.

This script will re-emit the stream to ..\live\nightofspica.m3u8 you can open this file with VLC or any other media player that supports the format or use a webserver to access it from other computers.

REM make the following folder structure:
REM ../record-nightofspica.bat
REM ../live/
REM ../live/chunks/
REM ../recording/

REM Check directories
if not exist "live\" mkdir live\
if not exist "live\chunks" mkdir live\chunks
if not exist "recording\" mkdir recording\

REM defaults
SET outputfile=recording/nightofspica_out-%RANDOM%
SET length=50000
SET url=
SET muxer=mp4
IF NOT "%1"=="" (
    IF "%1"=="-out" (
        SET outputfile=%2
	IF "%1"=="-mux" (
        SET muxer=%2
	IF "%1"=="-len" (
        SET length=%2
	IF "%1"=="-url" (
        SET url=%2
    GOTO :loop

ECHO Outputfile = %outputfile%.%muxer% (This will be a %muxer% file)
ECHO Length = %length% seconds
ECHO URL = %url%

ECHO Starting Livestreamer and FFmpeg...
echo Don't forget to strip off the start of the file, if you started recording early.
livestreamer.exe %url% best --stdout | ffmpeg -i - -t %length% -c copy %outputfile%.%muxer% -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -c copy -f hls -hls_flags delete_segments -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 30 -hls_base_url chunks\ -hls_segment_filename live\chunks\nightofspica_chunk%%03d.ts live\nightofspica.m3u8

echo Done
if NOT ["%errorlevel%"]==["0"] (
    exit /b %errorlevel%

Save this as a .bat file somewhere with enough space.
After you finished recording (press Ctrl+C) use ffmpeg -i (put the recorded file here) -ss (put the amount of seconds or the minutes:seconds that need to be cut of the start here) output.mkv


record-nightofspica.bat [options]
-url <url> : The stream url if you omit this it default to the LoGiRL stream URL used 19-01-2015 23:31 GMT+1 (No idea if they change that thing)
-len <seconds> : The number of seconds you want to record, if you omit this it will default to 50000 seconds. (untested)
-out <outputfilepath> : The output *.* file, if you omit this it will default to recording/nightofspica_out-%RANDOM%.%muxer& (relative to the current directory, and windows cmd's %RANDOM% is not super random so it might overwrite a file.) PLease don't include a file extenstion.
-mux <ts>: The output muxer. FFmpeg supports lots of formats in that case this is the file extension. ts is recommended and default.


	record-nightofspica.bat -len 3600 -out "E:\raw_record_dump\streamname"
Records 1 hour from the default stream to E:\raw_record_dump\streamname.%muxer% and restream the stream for viewing.

Click to download.

More stream info here.